Few outside the agriculture industry would appreciate how hard farmers and industry partners work to defend their crops, herds, and flocks from viruses, fungus, and bacteria. At times, this hard work requires the use of antibiotics that can build bacterial resistance over time and disqualify farmer for processor RWA premiums, or toxic agents like formalin that have themselves been identified as health risks. Our proprietary, hypoallergenic, electron-scavenging sanitizer anolyte can significantly reduce the use of antibiotics and toxins, requires no safety equipment, and is safe to deploy without moving animals. It's "The Right Stuff"!
Anolyte is an Outstanding Sanitizer for Agriculture
To the right, see John Shi, PhD with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, with an anolyte systems. John is pre-eminent researcher in the field of ECA technology (anolyte)and its food and agricultural applications. John has demonstrated that ECA effectively removes pathogenic bacteria, such as Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus, and Salmonella sp., and hepatitis B virus and human immunodeficiency virus; with no adverse impact on the environment and no toxin-chemical residue in the end products; no change of the texture, appearance, color, flavour, taste of the food and material; and provides an extension of storage time and shelf life of fruits and vegetables. His work in 2015 will focus on using ECA as a carcass wash, and fruit and vegetable wash.
Click here to view a quick .pdf of John's work with ECA.
In light of the recent P.E.D. outbreak in Ontario, and the subsequent tens of millions of dollars lost to this virus, many farmers and biologists are once again taking a hard look at biosecurity and farm sanitation. It's incredibly difficult to find a sanitizer that can be used in a farm setting that is gentle enough to be used in close proximity to livestock without emptying a barn, that is effective enough to destroy the pathogens responsible for disease, while at the same time being safe enough to dispose of without contaminating the environment. Anolyte is that sanitizer. Anolyte can be used for in-house water treatment; removing biofilm from water lines while simultaneously allowing livestock to consume the treated water; high-pressure washing during a sanitation cycle; disinfecting poultry, pork, and, dairy barns; disinfecting transport trucks; fogging farrowing rooms; disinfecting equipment (from hand tools to tractors) prior to moving between barns; and a hundred other applications, while safely allowing runoff and disposal into your manure management system or livestock yard. What other sanitizer offers such diverse applicatins with such minimal risk? There is no other sanitizer that can equal Anolyte in agricultural applications.
Formalin is regularly fumigated in hatcheries to fight viruses, bacteria, and mold that can reduce yield rates. Where formalin can't be used, quaternary ammoninum or phenols are regularly substituted. The challenge with all of these products is their ongoing association with risks to human health related to inhalation or incidental exposure ranging from respiratory distress, to birth defects, to cancer. Anolyte is a different kind of sanitizer. It works as an electron scavenger, destroying pathogens on an ionic level, without any of the negative outcomes of more toxic products. The product (and onsite production systems) are already in use in hatcheries in other markets, with extraordinary results (significant reduction in bacterial pressure). In addition, fogging with Anolyte can eliminate your disinfection cycles -- after all, you're fogging with a sanitizer that's been approved by Health Canada as a medical disinfectant. That's "The Right Stuff!"
Click HERE to book a free consultation with
RJ Chemicals at your hatchery!
Broiler and egg-laying operations are population dense environments in which pathogens can rapidly spread through an entire barn, reducing FCR and egg yields. In broiler operations, up to 15,000 birds can be exposed at a time, and when coccidiosis, avian flu, or Newcastle runs through an unvaccinated flock, there is little that the farmer can do except use antibiotics and pray. Anolyte can help prevent these outbreaks from ever occuring. The hypoallergenic, electron-scavenging anolyte can be dosed in regular intervals directly into animal drinking water to improve flock health, and as an ongoing defense against viruses, molds, and bacteria. It can be fogged "in-situ" without moving birds to address "spot" issues. The same product can be used to sanitize the barn and CIP the water lines between flocks, all the while improving FCR and preserving precious RWA premiums -- now that's "The Right Stuff" for poultry farmers!
Click HERE to book a free consultation with
RJ Chemicals at your farm (or board).
Dairy quota is expensive to secure -- upwards of $25,000.00 per cow -- and the health of longevity of these animals is absolutely essential to both cost recovery and profitability. In addition to the initial costs of securing quota, the systems in place in dairy operations require ongoing cleaning and sterilization. Anolyte is incredibly effective as a hypoallergenic teat dip, a disinfectant for foot rot, and a preventative, safe dosing agent in water lines. It should be used as a CIP sanitizer for your dairy lines and bulk tanks, and to disinfect any tools that may have come into contact with infected tissue or animals. Finally, it's an incredibly effective stall sanitizer for dairy and veal, particularly if you have concerns about the presence of BVD or other pathogens in your herd --after all, it's been certified by Health Canada as a medical disinfectant. Safe to handle, use, and even consume, but an incredibly effective sanitizer -- that's "The Right Stuff"!
Click HERE to book a free
consultation with
RJ Chemicals at your farm (or board).
2014.07.10 -- Canadian Environmental Law Association urges total ban on triclosan and triclocarban - click here
2014.01.23 -- "First case of deadly pig virus confirmed in Canada" -- click here.